Charles Darwin University (School of Environmental Research) 2009 – 2019

  • Principle Investigator in multi-disciplinary research team undertaken an Australia research Council funded project on measuring effectiveness of Indigenous land and sea management in Australia.
  • Part of a consultancy team developing a Feral Animal Management Strategy for Kakadu National Park, in collaboration with Aboriginal Traditional Owners, Park management, neighbouring land-holders and other agencies.
  • Undertake consultations with key Indigenous organisations and research institutions and convene a Forum regarding the potential to establish a Northern Ventures Cooperative Research Centre.
  • Undertake peer review of Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge Project 1.2 “Capacity building tools for effective planning and decision-making”.
  • Undertake a Social Impact Assessment of an Iron Ore mine at Koolan Island, West Kimberley, on behalf of the Dambimangari native title claim group, as part of a consultancy team led by Professor Stephen Garnett.
  • Advise on the development of a research proposal to monitor management effectiveness in Indigenous Protected Areas.
  • Co-Supervisor of a PhD student assessing Indigenous measures of environmental health in Central Australia and Western Arnhem land.

Terrain Natural Resource Management (Wet Tropics, Queensland) 

~ 2009: Development of Caring for our Country submission to support Traditional Owner knowledge
recoding and management of the Wet Tropics region (consultancy was undertaken jointly with Melissa
George and Ellie Bock)

~ 2008: Review of Terrain NRM’s Traditional Owner Advisory Group (TOAC)

Department of the Environment, Heritage, Water and the Arts: 1995 – 2008

~ 2008: Seek and report on Indigenous people’s views for input into the revised National Strategy on the Conservation of Australia’s Biodiversity.

~ 2007: Facilitated a national workshop on the recognition of Indigenous peoples’ rights and interests in the revised National Strategy on the Conservation of Australia’s Biodiversity.

~ 2007: Facilitated a national workshop on the development of a new funding program
(Working On Country) to support the employment of Indigenous people on land and sea environmental

~ 2004: Prepared six case studies of Indigenous engagement in Natural Resource
Management in eastern Australia, under the direction of an Indigenous Scooping Group.

~ 1998: Facilitating national workshop on the application of provisions of the Biodiversity
Convention in relation to Indigenous peoples’ rights and interests in Australia.

~ 1998: Development and delivery of cross-cultural awareness workshops for Marine
Branch staff.

~ 1997: Researching and writing issues paper on Indigenous peoples rights and interests in
marine management for Australia’s Ocean Policy.

~ 1995: Development of a proposal to establish “Indigenous Protected Areas” on Aboriginal
land throughout Australia as part of a national program to achieve representation of all
Australian bioregions in a national reserve system. The consultancy involved consultations
with Indigenous organisations and conservation agencies in all states and
territories and preparation of a major report. As a result of this work, Indigenous
Protected Areas have been established in each jurisdiction and collectively represent
20% of the total protected area estate in Australia.

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS):

~ 2008: Co-editing an e-book for AIATSIS on Indigenous Governance and Management of
Protected Areas, based on proceedings from the 2007 AIATSIS Conference.

~ 2007: Convened a one-day session on “Indigenous Governance and Management of
Protected Areas” at the AIATSIS biannual Conference in Canberra.

~ 2006 & 2007: Undertook case studies on Indigenous participation in the governance and
management of protected areas: Booderee National Park (Jervis Bay Territory) and
Dhimurru Indigenous Protected Areas (Northern Territory).

National Oceans Office (Australian Government): 2001 to 2007

~ Development of pilot Sea Country Plans in collaboration with Aboriginal communities in
southwest Victoria, eastern South Australia and the southern Gulf of Carpentaria.

~ Provision of advice on engagement with Indigenous communities in the development of
the Northern Regional Marine Plan (Gulf of Carpentaria, Torres Strait, Arafura Sea and the
western Cape York Peninsula).

~ Preparation of literature reviews on Aboriginal interests in marine environments of south-
eastern Australia, north Australia and north-west Australia as part of the development of
Bioregional Marine Plans for those regions.

~ Preparation and delivery of a cross-cultural training workshop, Understanding Sea
Country, for the staff of the National Oceans Office, Hobart.

North Australia Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA):

~ 2007: Organised and facilitated the Yanyuwa Sea Country Plan Implementation
Workshop 15/16 November in Darwin.

~ 2005- 2006: Research for and preparation of a literature review of biological values,
cultural values and management of dugongs and marine turtles.

Carpentaria Land Council: 2004 to 2006

~ Developed a Regional Activities Plan for the NAILSMA Dugong and Marine Turtle
management project in consultation with Traditional Owners of the Wellesley Islands
region of the Gulf of Carpentaria;

~ Facilitated the production and implementation of the Thurwathu/Bujimulla Sea Country
Plan for the Wellesley Islands region of the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Northern Land Council: 2003 & 1995-1997

~ Preparation of a report on Aboriginal interests in marine environments of northern
Australia, as part of the development of a Regional Marine Plan for the Northern Planning
Area by the National Oceans Office.

~ Development of a Plan of Management for the Cobourg Marine Park, north-west
Arnhemland, the first marine park to be jointly managed by Aboriginal people and a
government conservation agency.

World Wildlife Fund: 2007-2008

~ Undertook an audit of Indigenous engagement in WWF-Australia in consultation with
Indigenous organisations in northern Australia and staff of WWF offices in Perth, Darwin,
Brisbane and Sydney, and currently assisting WWF with implementation of the audit.

Wet Tropics Management Agency: 1991 – 2007

~ Provided advice to the Agency re the development of strategies, consultative programs
and administrative arrangements for the involvement of Aboriginal people in the
management of the Queensland Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.

~ Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of WTMA 1997 – 2001.

~ Development and delivery of cross cultural awareness workshops for WTMA staff.

~ Facilitated staff workshop to develop a Strategic Plan for WTMA (Oct. 2007)

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority: several periods 1988-2001

~ In six consultancies, undertook field research, wrote reports and assessed management
implications in respect of Aboriginal maritime culture and sites in the Cairns and Far
Northern Sections of the Marine Park and provided advice on facilitating Aboriginal
involvement in marine resource management and in the recently completed
representative Areas Program.

Queensland Fisheries Management Authority 1998-1999

~ Developing an Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy for Queensland, through facilitating regional
workshops of coastal Aboriginal groups and representatives of recreational, commercial
and fisheries management organisations.

Rainforest Cooperative Research Centre: 1998-2003

~ Researcher in Programs 1 and 7 on projects relating to the involvement of Aboriginal
people in research and management within the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area,
including the development of cultural indicators and collaboration between researchers
and Traditional Owners.

Queensland Department of Premier and Cabinet: 1998 – 2001

~ Member of the Cape York Property Planning Technical Group, assisting with the
implementation of the Cape York NHT Plan – appointed by Federal and Queensland
Ministers for Environment.

Queensland Department of Environment: 1995-1998

~ Development of cross cultural awareness training programs for Departmental field and
office staff in the far northern region, from Innisfail to Cape York.

Resource Assessment Commission: 1992 & 1993

~ Documenting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interests in Australia’s coastal zone,
as part of the Resource Assessment Commission’s Coastal Zone Inquiry. Consulted with
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in coastal Queensland (including Torres
Strait), Northern Territory, Western Australian, New South Wales and Tasmania.

World Conservation Union (IUCN): 1992 – 2007

~ Delivered paper and facilitated workshops at the 4th IUCN World Congress on National
Parks and Protected Areas, held in Caracas, Venezuela from 10 – 21 February 1992) as
an IUCN consultant in Indigenous peoples’ involvement in national and marine park

~ Delivered paper and facilitated workshops at the 5th World Parks Congress, held in
Durban South Africa from 7-18 September 2003, as a member of the IUCN Theme on
Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities and Equity in Protected Areas.

~ Convener of indigenous participation in the first International Marine Protected Area
Congress (IMPAC1) held in Geelong, Victoria in 2005.

James Cook University: From 1993 to 2005

~ Delivery of undergraduate and masters level subjects “Caring For Country” – Recognition
of Indigenous Peoples’ Interests in Environmental Management (EV3202 and EV5202) in
School of Tropical Environment Studies and Geography;

~ Supervision of Honours, Masters and PhD students in the School of Tropical Environment
Studies and Geography;

~ Examination of Honours, Masters and PhD students in the School of Tropical Environment
Studies and Geography;

~ Part of a consultancy team led by Dr Alastair Birtles (JCU School of Business) that
developed a Code of practice for the Sustainable Management of Dugong and Marine
Turtle Tourism in Australia (2004-2005);

~ Development of a proposed degree program in Indigenous Environmental Management

Northern Territory University: 2001-2006

~ Part of a consultancy team developing a Feral Animal Management Strategy for Kakadu
National Park, in collaboration with Aboriginal Traditional Owners, Park management,
neighbouring land-holders and other agencies.

Australian National University: 1994-1996

~ Guest lectures on the recognition of Indigenous rights and interests in an Environmental
Policy and Planning course, Department of Geography

USA School for Field Studies (north Queensland campus): – 1999 – 2006

~ Guest lectures on Indigenous peoples’ rights and interests in environmental management
to visiting American environmental studies students.

Cairns College of TAFE: 1987-93

~ Planning and implementation of the Aboriginal Community Ranger Training Program,
involving 15 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in far north Queensland.
The Program comprises nationally accredited Certificate, Advanced Certificate and
Associate Diploma courses in natural and cultural resource management.